Company Profile
As a member of Exeno-Yamamizu group and with a proud history in shipbuilding we provide a total service for our clients relating to ships and shipping.
Within the group, we offer technical solutions for building of oceangoing and domestic Vessels.
Thanks to the strong support of all stakeholders, we have passed our 98th anniversary since establishment.
Our experienced professional team always strives to fulfill client requests and orders timely with utmost quality and precision craftsmanship.

Group Companies (link)
■Trade name: Honda Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
■President: Hisaaki Masuda
■Head office: 6F ONEST Kanda Square,
17 Kanda Konyacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0035, Japan
■TEL: +81-3-6369-8066
■FAX: +81-3-6369-8067
■Capital Stock: 90 million yen
Capital Reserve: 375 million yen Other Capital Surplus: 835 million yen
■Sales: 6,348 million yen (FY 31 March 2024)
■Employees: 70 employees (as of 31 March 2024)
■Saiki Shipyard: 5026-1 Oaza Tsurumi, Saiki-city, Oita, 876-0012, Japan
■Site area: 44,120.15㎡
■TEL: +81-972-20-0111
■FAX: +81-972-20-0120
■Shareholders: Exeno Yamamizu Corporation, NYK Line, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Honda Corporation
■Banks: Ehime Bank, Shoko Chukin Bank, Japan Finance Corporation
■After-sales service / Inquiries for our ships: here

1924 Establishment of Honda Shipyard at Saiki-cho, Oita prefecture,
building of wooden ships begins
After that the company becomes Honda Dockyard
1943 Due to consolidate companies required by the government, the company becomes Higashi Kyushu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Saiki Shipyard
1948 Establishment of Honda Shipyard Co., Ltd., at Sakanoura, Saiki-city
1951 Purchase of Higashi Kyushu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Saiki Shipyard
1960 Building of steel ships begins
1972 Building of car carriers, cement carriers, other special ships begins
1982 Introduction of streamlining and laborsaving facilities based on NC approach
1985 Building and research for aluminum ships begins
2005 Establishment of Honda Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., after composition proceedings of Honda Shipyard Co., Ltd.
2007 Introduction of 150T Jib crane
2009 Introduction of Shot-blasting shop
2010 Installment of additional NC cutting machine
2020 Capital stock increased to 265 million yen
2021 Capital stock reduced to 90 million yen
The amount equal to the reduction in stated capital will be shifted to other capital surplus